Monday, November 14, 2011

Holidays in Sight, Just...

Last packet of the semester, and I am desperately punching out pages and pages about my past romantic life -- having a great time, while also suffering from the remembrance and wondering if I could ever publish any of it without destroying my karma -- meanwhile avoiding the 10 page lit. essay I have to write. Hmmm, not much has changed there.
Have managed to almost get through this second term while also dealing with kids' school issues, head lice (twice) and generally wanting to give them both more of my time and affection before they get too old for my hugs and tickles, or before I turn grey, whichever is the sooner...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


So now I am at a point where I almost have a finished manuscript and feel suddenly terrified, as I can't just write anymore -- I have to figure out how to make it work as a book. Thank goodness I have 2 terms left to figure it out...Hopefully I won't panic too much and do anything Oedipal...